Author Guidelines
- We accept files created with all major word processing packages, but prefer MS Word and LaTeX (papers with a large number of equations should be created with LaTeX).
- The editors reserve the right to return to authors, without peer review, improperly formatted manuscripts.
- Papers should be between 5000 and 6000 words in length, accompanied by a 100–150-word abstract (the abstract should briefly describe the background and purposes of the study, the methods used, the main findings, and the conclusions), and 3–5 key words and two areas of JEL Classification on a separate sheet.
- The title page must list full title, author(s) address, and e-mail.
- Paper size should be A4. Margins should be set for a 25 mm (1 in.) top, bottom, left, and right. The point size should be 12 and the font should be Times New Roman. Italics should be used for emphasis and bold for headings. Put blank lines between paragraphs and differentiate major and minor headings.
- Footnotes are not permitted. Endnotes are permissible but should be kept to a minimum.
- Tables and figures should be incorporated into the text.
- Line drawings should be submitted as vector EPS files. Bitmap figures should be submitted as JPG or TIFF files; bitmap figures should be least 300 dpi resolution. All figures should be at least 110 mm wide when printed. If the paper contains graphs, we would appreciate that you also submit them in a separate Excel file.
- Tables, figures and graphs should not be obtained from the already published works. The number of figures, graphs and/or tables combined is limited to 7.
References should be formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press 2017). The author-date system of citation for references should be used in the text, followed by page number if a direct quotation is given, e.g., Jackson (1979, 181). The alphabetized reference list should be titled ‘References’ with entries in the following format (please note that initials should be used for the authors' names):
- Beech, M. H. 1982. ‘The Domestic Realm in the Lives of Hindu Women in Calcutta.’ In Separate Worlds: Studies of Purdah in South Asia, edited by H. Papanek and G. Minault, 110–38. Delhi: Chanakya.
- Jackson, R. 1979. ‘Running Down the Up-Escalator: Regional Inequality in Papua New Guinea.’ Australian Geographer 14 (5): 175–84.
- Lynd, R., and H. Lynd. 1929. Middletown: A study in American Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World.
- University of Chicago Press. 2017. The Chicago Manual of Style. 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide is available at
Copy Editing. Papers should be copy-edited and spell-checked before submission. British English should be used throughout.
Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement
By submitting a manuscript authors certify that their manuscripts are their original work, that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, and that they have identified all sources used in the creation of their manuscript. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using specific software.
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the paper, others, who have participated in the research, should be listed as contributors.
Sources of funding should be acknowledged at the end of the article; the authors should also disclose any conflict of interest.
Data Sharing. Authors are encouraged to share the data and other artefacts supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. A data availability statement should be provided, including a link to the repository they have used.
All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed. All submitted manuscripts are initially screened by the Editors in Chief to ensure relevance, academic rigor and integrity and, if found suitable for further consideration, are submitted to a double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers perform work for the journal on a volunteer basis; they are obligated to disclose to Editor any conflicts of interest, to keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential and to evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content. Reviewers should argue their statements and personal criticism is not permitted.
The final decision for the publication of a submitted manuscript is the responsibility of the Editors. The Editors should confer with the members of the Editorial Board in making this decision. All submissions will receive an answer from the editors, either if the manuscript is rejected or accepted for publication. Manuscripts should be processed in less than 6 months from the date of submission. Authors, Editors and Reviewers should follow guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Complaints and Appeals. Anybody wishing to raise a concern or make a complaint about any aspect of being published in a University of Primorska Press journal, may email The investigation will be carried out according to COPE guidelines.
Proofs. Page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the corresponding author; proofs should be corrected and returned within five days. Proofs should be used only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness of the paper. Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication are not permitted.
Ethical Oversight. In dealing with unethical practices, the journal will follow COPE guidelines. In case of misconduct, steps will be taken to correct the scholarly record.
Correction and Retraction. Errors in an article that affect its content will be corrected through a correction notice. Retractions will be considered in cases of evidence of unreliable data, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and unethical research. Retractions will be issued where required following COPE guidelines.
Author Fees. No article submission or article processing fees are charged.
The Use of AI Technology. In line with COPE guidelines, artificial intelligence tools (e.g. ChatGPT) cannot be listed as named authors on submitted articles. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their article, even those parts produced by any AI tool, and are thus liable for any inaccuracies or breaches of publication ethics. Authors who have used AI tools to develop their article and/or to write, generate or edit text must include a note in the article's Acknowledgements section describing the technologies used and their purpose. Please note that this policy does not apply to software such as spelling or grammar checkers or reference managers. Authors using such tools do not need to include a note about them in the Acknowledgements section.
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